November 1, 2023
My current plans for the remainder of 2023

Alright! So towards the end of October, I started to feel unhappy about myself for reasons I will address.

Let's start with my rocky experiences with BaratusLive (my series of livestreams on YouTube). At first, I was dealing with the rendering lag that OBS was throwing and had to spend plenty of time troubleshooting the cause of this, which turned out to be the desktop version of Discord being the cause. At first, I tried switching to the browser version for voice chats, and while it did manage to fix the rendering lag issue, it would cause another issue that ruined a livestream. I decided to say fuck it and move Discord to another PC to solve this issue. At first, it was one of my i5 PCs that I used to play games on stream, but it later turned out that some games were stuttering, and I ended up having to have a total of three PCs to off-load resources. My main PC (i7-4790) would do the gaming stuff, while my other two i5 PCs would handle the stream and Discord work.

On top of that, there have been a certain number of failed streams this year. From technical difficulties to certain situations that led me to either lash out or have my mood killed off for the rest of the stream, The latter I need to work on.

And as a result of this, especially the latter, and after a failed Mageslayer stream, I decided it was for the better that I took another hiatus from streaming. It is currently unknown when I will be motivated to stream again. "Maybe when I finally get fiber-optic, perhaps?" As for making content for my YouTube channel, that was one of the great things that happened this year, starting with my Unreal Review video from June this year. I would try to push out more videos like these until July 3, 2023, with my review of Bad Toys 3D. The reason this stopped was because I dealt with a bad power outage that occurred due to bad weather, and considering the fact that it was the summer season when this occurred, it messed me up. I was lucky that I didn't suffer a heat stroke; otherwise, that Bad Toys video would've been my last video ever, and I wouldn't be writing this article right now.

By the time the power came back on, my motivation to make more videos had slowed down heavily. Although I would release a few more videos, which I would now call video essays, The last was a follow-up video on the Unreal video I did in June, where I took a look at Return to Na Pali.

I originally planned to make a video about Blood for October but didn't feel motivated enough to record a playthrough, and on top of that, I would feel like shit due to an abrupt weather change (I originally thought it was a stomach virus at first), and the failed stream that month didn't help.

So you may wonder what my plans are for this month and December. I will be taking time off from streaming, and I plan to push out one more video this year. I aim to upload this sometime in December. After this video comes out, I will be taking time off from making content (with the exception of my side channel, but that depends on my mood).

On my side channel, I toyed with making Lets Plays, but a day after I released my Part 1 video for Necrodome Shareware, I started to feel less motivated with content creation as well. However, the main reason I still want to push out December's video is because I already have most of the footage recorded and only need to record the narration and edit it all together.

Anyway, I will follow up with another article at some point, but for now, that's pretty much all I wanted to say. Thanks for reading.