October 21, 2023
New side-website project involving MageSlayer/Take No Prisoners modding!

It's been a while since I wrote an article here, but several days ago, I took a crack at modding Take No Prisoners and made a few usermaps (two haven't been released yet due to testing needing to be done).

And knowing me to be into modding obscure games and even wanting to push out modding communities (like Chasm The Rift, for instance), I've decided to run a side-website titled "Vampire Engine Workshop" where I will be hosting usermaps I can find or make there, along with providing tools and tutorials for those wanting to get started. At the time of this writing, it is currently under construction, and tutorials will need to be written.

Funny enough, I was originally going to make a video series or a stream showing this off, but somebody pointed out that. An HTML-style tutorial would be better. Not only will writing this be easier, it can also be archived easier by many. Given that this site gets any notice,.

Anyway, here's to hoping that we get better modding tools than to rely on ancient modeling tools.