You can find me in the following places :
My YouTube Channel - This is where I
upload most of my content. Most of the time it's the narrated videos that people
like the most but I do a little bit of other content as well for the 'hardcore'
fans of this channel.
- I used to be active there, but to be honest, I wasn't a fan of the environment
and with a washed up businessman who doesn't know how to run a social media
platform, I got fed up and moved to BlueSky where I am more active there. I just
keep this mostly for lurking purposes.
Check out these cool websites!
- I am more active there than on X/Twitter. Most of the time I just blog about
what's in my mind and what not. I recall I have a somewhat better following than
I do with the former, hopefully it doesn't entirely turn into another Twitter if
you get what I mean.
Akage Megane's vTubie Page
- I update this from time to time but this is simply Akage Megane's page. I
don't what else to add to it if I'm being honest.
Doomworld - Likely the only forum that
I am most active in. It's a Doom community that I check into for upcoming WADs
and what not.
Communities! *Most have Discord communities*
Akage's LAN House Community
- My official personal community! Mostly there to chill and play games.
DOSBox Deathmatch Club - The Final
Word on MS-DOS Multiplayer! A community that hosts multiplayer events for MS-DOS
games via Classic Gaming Arena along with some classic Windows titles. Every
Friday and Saturday at 9pm EST.
Rise of the Triad Central
- My small Rise of the Triad community! If you are a fan of that game, you can
join in and discuss ROTT related stuff.
Dakkijam - My hobby project consisting
of a group of map designers making projects for various games.
Duke Nukem Central
- Yet another 'Duke Nukem' community headed by ZNukem.
Classic Gaming Arena
- A multiplayer gaming service (network guider) that works on Windows 95 and
onward allowing users to play MS-DOS multiplayer games more conveniently.
Notable websites
Dreamproject - blurry99's Website that
hosts a Windows 98 fan project titled 'Windows 98 Dream Edition'
Blue OS Museum - A collaborative
effort to review every build of Windows and MS-DOS from the 1970s up to 2009.
Internet Archive
- It provides free access to collections of media in the name of 'preservation'
Oldavista - The most powerful guide to
the old Internet.
- A proxy that aims to allow users to browse the old internet, but for the sake
of restoring it's functionality more so than archiving sites as-is. (check out
WarpStream btw)
Vampire Engine Workshop
- WIP Website for modding Vampire Engine games like Mageslayer and Take No
Prisoners. Likely deprecated in favor of
Telcontar's Warcraft II Domain - A proxy that aims to allow users to browse the old internet, but for the sake of restoring it's functionality more so than archiving sites as-is. (check out WarpStream btw)